Friday, April 24, 2015

Update 2015-04-20

Hey everyone,
I loved the Harris Herald again, all you kids (and families) are awesome!  Last week we got to go south with the mission president and his wife to help transport and administer supplies for two full zone conferences there.  Two days in a row we had conferences for two zones with all the missionaries in each of the zones.  We also bought cleaning supplies for each of the houses in those zones, so it was pretty crazy, but a lot of fun.  Pictures:

Us, at the airport - not our plane, but I thought the pink turbo plane was cool!

From the plane window as we came into Campo Grande

Us, with some BIG birds.  We did see araras (like in the movie "Rio") flying overhead.

Some of the cleaning supplies for the houses.

I liked this picture of the parade of missionaries heading to eat lunch!

And of course, always spectacular clouds (skip the power lines!).

This was our hotel pool, but we didn't have time... I wish you (we) had more time...

The first zone group in the south.

This actually was our plane. :)
The trip was great, we had fun, and we did a lot of work (had to throw that in).
Love to all, the church is true.
Dad (& Mom)

Monday, April 20, 2015

Update 2015-04-12

Dear Family,

Each day I find more and more I love about this experience in the mission field.  Today was fast and testimony meeting.  It is so delightful in this ward.  As soon as the time is turned over to the members the front benches fill right up, sometimes it feels like there are more in front than in the audience.  The testimonies are awesome usually short but always from the heart.  Couples walk up together hand in hand and the cool thing is when the spirit moves them they stand right up and walk to the front- in the middle of a very tender moment, a testimony, or whatever.  They sing in every meeting including Sunday School, most often without accompaniment and with great energy.  Which at times is so fun.  Today the priesthood was singing "O how lovely was the morning" as was the relief society, but each was in a different key and we were a measure behind at the start but we soon caught up and passed them by.  We have a divider between the classes but when singing is going on the sound carries so much better. And the joy and smiles are everywhere.  Always an abraço or Bom Dia.  Every meeting ends with more abraços and a Boa Semana which means have a good week.  Actually it is marvelous and energizing.  What ever will I do when we have to leave these amazing people?

Update April 2015 - Conference

General Conference is my favorite time of year and for us it is family time.  So I was missing my family just a little. Sister Jimenez came in for her transfer home two days early so she could watch general conference and we were blessed to house her.  She is a beautiful person inside and out and we started asking her about where she was from in Peru.  My daughter Jenny was in Peru with a humanitarian service experience about six years ago.  We discovered Jenny served near her little village and attended the same branch. Sister Jimenez remembered Jenny and those who served with her.  They had been with her in her home. At the time Sister Jimenez was fifteen and in young womens.  The young women were having an activity making fancy hair accessories she wanted Jenny to come but Jenny had to teach an English class at that time so Sister Jimenez made one for her.  So we skyped Jenny between conference sessions and they had a tender experience reminiscing.  Jenny still had the hair accessory and sent a picture of it. It was so fun for all of us.  It was Heavenly Fathers gift to me to be with Sister Jimenez and hug her as she spoke to my daughter.  The magic of the mission is real and it seems that tender mercies are ever present.
 Displaying IMG_2023.jpeg

Monday, April 6, 2015

Pantanal 2 - Scenes

Awesome rain storm, hit right after we arrived at the resort.

One of the many lilly pad pictures, all of them are so pretty.


Yet another.

An example of what our boat trip was like, miles of gorgeous waters and foliage.

I guess this could have gone in the animal section, but it is a pretty scene.

The clouds, as usual, were as spectacular as the other scenic views.

This one had a rainbow in it.

Mom and I at the top of the 60 foot tower, what a view!

This was the view in one direction (no, not the band!)

I love this shot - cloud with a white tip above and a pick tip in the reflection.

Pantanal 1 - Animals

Here are some of the animal shots from the Pantanal:
Sweet and short alligator video - yes, we were in a truck!

The alligators with the light under-belly are more aggressive, that's why I had to get close to get this picture! :)

I hope you can see the two Araras in the tree (like the "Rio" blue birds).

Not a bad Monkey shot, using my small orange camera.  I did miss my Nikon on these.

We came across an armadillo that quickly dug a hole and disappeared

I had to include this picture of the tower we climbed (60 ft high).

When we left for our boat ride we came across these alligators sunning themselves. (still in the truck!)
See if you can pick out all 10 alligators (one in the distance across the bridge).

This guy jumped into our boat while we were on the boat ride,  Our guide quickly grabbed him and threw him out - no free rides!

Another one I could have used the Nikon on, but again the little orange comes through.

This was a baby monkey, a little bit later he jumped on his mom's back and they took off - couldn't get that shot.

Multi-colored bird right outside the door of our resort room.  It was awesome to lie in bed listening to all the birds.

Update 2015-04-05

Dear Family
Just Another Day in Paradise, This past few weeks have been wonderful, we eat wonderful food way too much,  We had a several wonderful meals with the members here in the area and they cook so well.

We had a fun discovery when a sister came in to stay with us for conference.  She's leaving for home and came in a couple days early.  We found that she knew Jenny when Jenny was in Peru!  We texted Jenny about it and Jenny sent back a picture of a hair decoration - Sister Jimenez had made it for her six years ago!  What a delight, especially since she is such a good sister - we will miss her a lot.

Easter eggs are a little different here - they are huge chocolate eggs, often with toys and things inside.  It's a big thing here, so they don't do colored eggs or easter egg hunts, but everyone buys the big chocolate eggs.
I almost bought one of these, but Mom wouldn't let me :)  About $20 US.

I did buy this one, even though Mom said no.  It had a toy inside, but we gave it to Sister Jimenez.

We visited the Pantanal again and it is so beautiful there.  I will add another entry with just pantanal pictures.

This is the resort (pousada) where we stayed

It really doesn't get much better than this.

Mom's favorite bird - tuiuiu (2-U-U), stands about 4 ft high
We sang Popcorn Popping in Portuguese as we threw out Popcorn balls to the audience.  The singing was truly awful, but they loved the popcorn balls!  Sorry we didn't get a better picture...
Throwing the popcorn balls - notice our most awesome tree! :)
Our Office Elders are leaving us and the new ones have been here training.  One of the new ones is a wonderful cartoonist and he made us a Pantanal cartoon for Easter.

This is us in the Pantanal, by our "on-staff" cartoonist.