Friday, April 24, 2015

Update 2015-04-20

Hey everyone,
I loved the Harris Herald again, all you kids (and families) are awesome!  Last week we got to go south with the mission president and his wife to help transport and administer supplies for two full zone conferences there.  Two days in a row we had conferences for two zones with all the missionaries in each of the zones.  We also bought cleaning supplies for each of the houses in those zones, so it was pretty crazy, but a lot of fun.  Pictures:

Us, at the airport - not our plane, but I thought the pink turbo plane was cool!

From the plane window as we came into Campo Grande

Us, with some BIG birds.  We did see araras (like in the movie "Rio") flying overhead.

Some of the cleaning supplies for the houses.

I liked this picture of the parade of missionaries heading to eat lunch!

And of course, always spectacular clouds (skip the power lines!).

This was our hotel pool, but we didn't have time... I wish you (we) had more time...

The first zone group in the south.

This actually was our plane. :)
The trip was great, we had fun, and we did a lot of work (had to throw that in).
Love to all, the church is true.
Dad (& Mom)

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