Monday, April 20, 2015

Update 2015-04-12

Dear Family,

Each day I find more and more I love about this experience in the mission field.  Today was fast and testimony meeting.  It is so delightful in this ward.  As soon as the time is turned over to the members the front benches fill right up, sometimes it feels like there are more in front than in the audience.  The testimonies are awesome usually short but always from the heart.  Couples walk up together hand in hand and the cool thing is when the spirit moves them they stand right up and walk to the front- in the middle of a very tender moment, a testimony, or whatever.  They sing in every meeting including Sunday School, most often without accompaniment and with great energy.  Which at times is so fun.  Today the priesthood was singing "O how lovely was the morning" as was the relief society, but each was in a different key and we were a measure behind at the start but we soon caught up and passed them by.  We have a divider between the classes but when singing is going on the sound carries so much better. And the joy and smiles are everywhere.  Always an abraço or Bom Dia.  Every meeting ends with more abraços and a Boa Semana which means have a good week.  Actually it is marvelous and energizing.  What ever will I do when we have to leave these amazing people?

1 comment:

  1. Every year there are Temple excursions planned for the members of the Church who live in District Areas and Stakes here. This experience took place in the District of Sorriso (Sinop, Sorriso and Lucas) In the Bus there are only available 65 seats so the Bus fills up fast of those wanting to go to the Temple. To travel by bus from Sinop to São Paulo is a 28-30 hrs. The Branch President of Sinop last year, had the impression to invite one of the members on the Bus Excursion. I don't know his name, so we will refer to him as Juan. When the Branch President approached Juan with this invitation, his reply was "Well President, I can not go, I am smoking". The Branch President was aware of the man's smoking habit but still extending the offer for him to go. Some of the members of the Branch criticized the Branch President saying that this man was using up a seat on the Bus that should have been offered to other Recommend Holders. Juan asked the Branch President: I can not go inside the Temple so what will I do if I go?" Well, the Branch President said "Everyday you can Walk to the Temple and walk up to the Front Door of the Temple". The next day you can walk to the Temple and walk up to the front door of the Temple. "That is what you can do, said the Branch President." Juan accepted the invitation to go on the Temple Bus Exursion. While all the others were inside the Temple, everyday Juan would walk up to the Front Door of the Temple. He walked all around the Temple everyday, never able to go inside the Temple. That was last year. This year Juan went on the Bus Excusion to the Temple, only this year he had a Temple Recommend. This year he took his family and they were sealed together. An Eternal Family. The District President "President Andre, was telling President Reber of this experience, As he was doing so, he became overcome with emotion and unable to talk". After regaining his composure he was able to finish telling of this experience. President Andre said to President Reber "I have learned never to question the inspiration that is given to a Branch President! This Branch President was inspired to invite this man on the Temple Excursion for a reason. The Spirit of the Lord is felt on the grounds of the Temple and in His Holy House. Just from an invitation of an inspired Branch President a family this year was sealed in the Temple! What a beautiful story
